Catching Up With… 
Elijah Lugo

By Kevin Townsend – Managing Partner – Science + Fiction Holdings LLC

APC: How did you first get involved with the APC?

Elijah: While I was studying Art & Design at New York City College of Technology some friends were talking about the GCSF which eventually lead me to the APC and it’s Scholarship Fund.


APC:  How did you end up in the Advertising field?

Elijah:  I had no goal in mind, no plan, when I entered college, but I had an overwhelming desire to learn.  I kept looking around at various fields and eventually sought out more information and experience in the marketing and advertising space.


APC:  How did your interaction with the APC help you along your path?

Elijah:  I saw right away how valuable interacting and networking with the people at the APC was.  That gave me insights into their world that I’d never heard in school. It sort of made it real, you know.  And that went a long way towards help me be less nervous. It was a very welcoming group. They really seemed to care, and they wanted to help however they could.


APC:  What did they do to help?

Elijah:  The scholarship was super-important to me, no doubt about it.  But to be honest, the people, the guidance & the advice they gave me was way more important.  They supported me, they gave me the confidence to think that I could actually work in the Advertising and Content business.  It’s intimidating going from College to the real world. All the people I was in contact with, am still in contact with, at the APC made me feel confident in my abilities.  That has made all the difference for me.


APC: What was your first job out of college?

Elijah: Through my contacts at the APC I got hired as a Production Assistant at Showtime working with a few APC members.  I’m pretty sure that that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been a part of the APC’s Scholarship Program and really used all my contacts that I made there once I graduated.


APC:  What’s your Pay It Forward plan?

Elijah:  I plan on going back to Art & Design from time to time and council kids on how to find opportunities at places like the APC to help them along their path.  I’m also planning on staying active within the APC to help out the people who helped me out.