The Advertising Production Club of New York has begun its 2019 selection process for the prestigious APPY Awards. These awards honor members of our community from both the Agency/Corporate and Vendor/Service sectors that have demonstrated leadership in their respective companies and a commitment toward the advancement of our industry. In addition, awards are periodically given to a Rising Star in the industry or to honor someone for their Lifetime Achievement to the Advertising/Graphic Arts/Communications industries.
Think about your colleagues and your clients that you work with every day and consider giving them the recognition they deserve by nominating them for this notable award.

Anyone is eligible to submit nominations and is encouraged to do so, either for themselves or for an individual they feel meets the criteria detailed on the nomination forms.
Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to receiving your submissions and stay tuned for further details!
Nominations can be submitted via email to hello@apc-nyc.org